Season 1: Episode 03 // Part 3: Goodbye
Episode three of UN/ROOTED is a love letter to anyone who has ever had to pack their stuff and move, to anyone who has ever had to watch friends leave, and to all the friendships that can transcend time and space.
In this episode I pack up all my stuff, get ready to move from Los Angeles to NYC, and say my goodbyes.
We talk to my childhood friend Bonnie Burke, who moved from Texas to New Jersey as a kid, did she think her move was as glamorous as I envisioned it to be as a kid?
Here’s a photo of Bonnie and I as adults, along the Nüümü Poyo on Nüümü (Piaute) and Miwok lands, in 2013. A photo of Bonnie in the evening light in Northern California on Washoe and Nisenan lands, and of her again in 2014 when I took her to the home of my heart, on Monache and Nüümü lands.
We also talk about moving and true home with my friend Paul Seetachitt, a filmmaker in Los Angeles, who moved a lot as a kid, and as an adult moved with his wife Barrington (aka “B”) from Los Angeles to Australia, from Australia to Tallahassee, FL, and from Tallahassee back to Los Angeles.
Here’s some photos of Paul and B in Australia!
And of Paul sitting on one of his couches in his “couch refuge.” Los Angeles, CA
And finally here’s a few photos of me: in the middle of packing, on a bike ride to the beach with my friend Jiyoung, and in my overstuffed car, wide eyed, and ready to leave Los Angeles for NYC.
Bike ride to the beach with Jiyoung.
Packing hell.
Crazy eyes, crazy pants, loaded car, here we go!